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Basic informations First name: Alex I am: TS FTM Post-Op City/Town: Москва Age: 40 years old Weight: 100 Height: 180 Body type: A few kilos too many Hair: Short Hair color: Brunet\te Eye color: Other Sexual orientation: I feel attracted to women, I feel attracted to men About me: Спокойный. Ищу знакомства для общения I am looking for The main goal of acquaintance: Just looking Other goals of acquaintance: Just looking, exchange experience, open relationship, friendship, flirt, sex I am looking for: Men More about me Cigarettes: Nonsmoker Alcohol: Do not drink - accept Gambling: No Favorite color: Navy My character: Direct, sensitive, entertaining, quiet Clothes style: Casual Hobbies and interests My hobbies: Movie, culinary, computers, literature, motorization, music, politics, travel, walking, sport, television, animals Animals: I prefer cats Work and education Way of thinking: Universal Education: Vocational school Profession/occupation: Freelancer Branch: Trade Type of housing: I live with my family |