Basic informations I am: just FTM City/Town: Kraków Age: 28 years old Weight: 60 Height: 161 Body type: Normal Hair: Short Hair color: Other Eye color: Other Sexual orientation: I feel attracted to women, I feel attracted to men, I feel attracted to transgenders About me: Młody człowiek szukający miejsca w świecie. I am looking for The main goal of acquaintance: Marriage Other goals of acquaintance: Exchange experience, traveling, open relationship, parties, friendship, serious relationship, sex I am looking for: Kogoś kto bedzie stanowil dla mnie podpore w zyciu. I am looking for: TS FTM before treatment, Just FTM More about me Cigarettes: Smoker Alcohol: Drink occasionally Gambling: No Favorite color: Black Favorite cuisine: Oriental, vegan, vegetarian My character: Direct, sensitive, delicate, erratic, crazy Clothes style: Alternative, casual, teenage style, obscene My dreams: Pojechać do japonii, mieć własną firme i założyć zespół. My life goals: Doskonalić się w tym co robię.
Hobbies and interests My hobbies: Anime, playing instruments, computers, music, meetings with friends, animals Other hobbies: Obróbka audio/wideo
Nauki społeczne Animals: I prefer cats Favorites fields of knowledge: Biology, chemistry, electronics, physics, geography, information technology, foreign languages, psychology In my free time I focus mainly on: Drugi człowiek. Favorite books: Popularnonaukowe. Favorite movies: Dokumentalne,popularnonaukowe. Favorite TV Shows: Tematyczne ;) Work and education Way of thinking: Universal Education: High School Profession/occupation: Blue collar worker Branch: Services Type of housing: Other Foreign languages: JP
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