Basic informations I am: just MTF City/Town: Szczecin Age: 33 years old Weight: 65 Height: 175 Body type: Normal Hair: Medium Hair color: Blond Eye color: Blue Sexual orientation: I feel attracted to women, I feel attracted to men About me: Przede wszystkim chciałam się zaprzyjaźnić. I am looking for The main goal of acquaintance: Friendship Other goals of acquaintance: Internet friendship, open relationship, friendship, serious relationship I am looking for: Kogoś, kto bez wysiłku mnie zaakceptuje. I am looking for: Women, men More about me Cigarettes: Nonsmoker Alcohol: Drink occasionally Gambling: No Favorite color: Blue Favorite cuisine: Oriental, Polish, Italian, Turkish, fast-food My character: Delicate, witty, quiet Clothes style: Elegant, casual, modest My dreams: Spokojne życie gdzieś na uboczu z kimś szczególnie bliskim. My life goals: Zrozumieć siebie, ludzi i świat. Hobbies and interests My hobbies: Playing instruments, computers, literature, music, classical music, walking, sport Favorites fields of knowledge: Economics, philosophy, physics, information technology, mathematics, psychology In my free time I focus mainly on: Książki, sport, podróże Favorite books: Fantastyka (typu Sapkowski, Pratchett); chętnie też sięgam po książki (popularno)naukowe, żeby ciągle poszerzać horyzonty. Favorite movies: Musicale, ekranizacje fantastyki, filmy animowane. Favorite TV Shows: Friends, How I Met Your Mother, Sillicon Valley Work and education Way of thinking: Universal Education: Higher Education/University Profession/occupation: White collar worker Branch: Information technology Type of housing: Other Foreign languages: English, Deutsch
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