Basic informations First name: Sylwia I am: TS MTF before treatment City/Town: Częstochowa Age: 31 years old Weight: 74 Height: 176 Sexual orientation: I feel attracted to transgenders About me: Crossdress drag green ts
Mekaup szpilki leginsy I am looking for Other goals of acquaintance: Just looking, exchange experience, open relationship, friendship, love affair I am looking for: Kogoś takiego jak ja
Kogoś przy kim będę sobą
CD TS Lady boy Drag queen itp. I am looking for: TS MTF before treatment, TS MTF on treatment, TS MTF Post-Op, TS MTF Non-Op, TS FTM before treatment, TS FTM on treatment, TS FTM Post-Op, TS FTM Non-Op, TV/CD MTF fetishist, TV/CD MTF - dual role, Just MTF, TV/CD FTM fetishist, TV/CD FTM - dual role, Just FTM, TG MTF, TG FTM, non-binary person, genderfluid person
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